New West-End Accessible Play Area the Only of its Kind in Canada
September 5, 2017
The space once separating Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and the John McGivney Children's Centre has now been transformed into a one-of-a-kind outdoor recreation and wellness area benefitting ages one to 101.
Crowds gathered Tuesday morning to officially unveil the new outdoor space and recognize the donors that made it possible. Mark Jones, local playground designer, also spoke on the uniqueness and magnitude of the project.
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare has officially named their space the LiUNA!625 Outdoor Recreation and Wellness Centre after the generous $300,000 contribution by the local labour group. The outdoor space will serve as a therapy option for the hospital's rehabilitation patients and offer a unique exercise area for all patients, staff, volunteers and visitors.
"LiUNA!625 is especially proud to partner with Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and the John McGivney Children's Centre to introduce this innovative and important lifestyle facility to our community," said Rob Petroni, Business Manager of the Labourers' Internation Union of North America for Windsor/Essex and Chatham/Kent. "Each year, our commitment to community grows as we strive to support institutions and organizations dedicated to the health and wellness of our citizens. This special 'age-friendly' facility will bring together yound and old from all walk of life including LiUNA!625 members and their families now numbering close to 4,000 throughout our region," Petroni concluded.