Our Sponsor - Catholic Health International
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare is a Catholic sponsored healthcare organization. Our Sponsor is Catholic Health International (CHI).
About CHI
CHI was created in 2001 as a Corporation with the purpose to accept sponsorship responsibility of the healthcare institutions and other works of the Church from the Sisters when they were ready to move on to other ministries. Specifically, CHI is a Public Juridic Person of Pontifical Right and is a partnership that includes the following:
- Religious Hospitallers of Saint Joseph
- Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception
- Les Religieuses Filles de Jésus
- Les Religieuses de Notre-Dame-Du-Sacré-Coeur
- Catholic Health Association of New Brunswick
Each congregation/partner is represented on the Board of CHI, and Sisters are involved at the individual facility or Corporation level wherever possible.
The Mission Statement of CHI is very clear, “Our Mission at CHI is to ensure the presence of Catholic values in our corporations.” The Corporations sponsored by CHI share in a common mission – furthering the healing ministry of Jesus. Adhering to and advancing the mission and values in each sponsored Corporations continues to be the prime objective of CHI.
CHI strives to:
- Integrate the essence of a mission founded 670 years of collective service and four religious institutes, into the facilities and operations which CHI has been entrusted to guide;
- Build collaborative relationships with their Corporations based on the recognition of a shared call to service – to continue the healing mission of Jesus;
- Provide opportunities for leadership development focused on the spiritual and ethical foundations of Catholic social teachings;
- Ensure that CHI sponsored Corporations are operating in a manner in keeping with the Mission and Philosophy of their founding Religious Institute, with a special focus on those most in need, the common good, justice and dignity of the person and reverence for life;
- Assist their Corporations to further provide spiritual and religious care, maintain visible signs of Catholic identity, and endeavor to reach out with special programs to respond to unmet needs within their respective communities;
- Develop resources and educational programs to assist their Corporations in further advancing mission and values within their organizations;
- Support CHI sponsored Corporations in the area of governance by involvement in the appointment of individuals to their Boards and Advisory Committees. By identifying, cultivating, recruiting and educating these key volunteers CHI assists in building strong relationships and effective governance at the facility level.
Dr. Robert Stewart
Dr. Robert B. Stewart is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Health International, a Public Juridic Person of Pontifical Right established in 2001 by the Holy See. CHI oversees a number of healthcare related facilities throughout Canada and the United States. He is also the Executive Director of the Catholic Health Association of New Brunswick.
He has been involved for most of his working career in the healthcare field, having been the CEO of an acute care hospital and a long term care centre. He currently sits on the Board of Directors of a number of Corporations in Canada and the United States. He is a member of the Board of Governors of the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada. Over the years his volunteer work has included appointments to the Boards of Directors of the Atlantic Provinces Chamber of Commerce; Atlantic Provinces Economic Council, New Brunswick Nurses Association, New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes. He has served both Federal and Provincial ministerial appointments.
He has received a number of awards including Outstanding Young Man in Canada in 1978; Rotary International Paul Harris Fellowship; Award of Excellence in Long Term Care from the New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes; and many others.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Health Services Administration, a Masters of Business Administration and in 2005 obtained a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Health Services Administration. He also holds a Certificate in Theological Studies from St. Pauls’ University and the University of Ottawa. He holds certificates in Health Services Management and Long Term Care Senior Management from the Ontario Hospital Association.
In 1992, he was the chief negotiator in establishing an Agreement between the Religious Congregations and the Province of New Brunswick to protect the rights of the owners in the operations of Catholic hospitals in New Brunswick. This Agreement remains in effect.
He is frequently a speaker on the National and Provincial scene on subjects such as Governance and Values in healthcare facilities. He readily makes himself available for consultation to CEOs and Boards.
More information is available on the CHI website.