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Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) at HDGH

Information about Educational and Administrative Events – Professional Services HDGH

Telemedicine videoconferencing equipment and facilities can connect geographically with separate locations for the purpose of education and administrative functions. 


You can video cast lectures from the hospital to various locations around the province, you can participate in continuing professional education or you can use videoconferencing technology to facilitate meetings. Telemedicine studios and equipment are located across our campus in each building. We also offer numerous portable units. Equipment is also available for use to facilitate educational working groups, interviews and much more. Please call 519-257-5111 ext.72000 or email for more information.



Clincial Telemedicine at HDGH

What is Telemedicine? 

Telemedicine uses video cameras and monitors to connect you to specialists who are not located near you so you do not need to travel to receive care. You will be able to see, hear and speak directly with your health care professional as if you were face to face in the same room.


What happens during a Telemedicine consult?


A telemedicine consult is similar to a regular visit to your healthcare professional, only you will be using a video monitor. Family members or support persons are welcome to be with you during the consultation, feel free to bring them along.
Your HDGH Telemedicine coordinator will explain to you what you can expect and will ask for your consent to proceed . Here at HDGH our coordinators are Registered Nurses. They will stay with you in the room or nearby if you prefer a private consultation with your specialist.

The video appointment with your specialist will have been scheduled prior to your arrival by the teams. The connection will be established and your consult will begin.

The Telemedicine coordinator may be asked by your consultant to perform an examination using special cameras for up close viewing. This will all be explained and your consent will always be taken into account.

Referral Information

Virtual clinical consultations are usually initiated by a primary care provider who wishes to refer a patient to a specialist, or by a specialist who wishes to use telemedicine for an initial or follow up appointment. Anyone who has an appointment with a specialist and would like to schedule it by Telemedicine can contact a HDGH telemedicine coordinator and we can help facilitate these appointments if the specialist is agreeable.

Virtual Care Team Contact Information:

Donna Reaume, Telemedicine RN
P: 519-257-5111 #72327

C: 519-965-7390
F: 519-257-5140

Jo-Dee Brown, Telemedicine RN
P: 519-257-5111 #76939
C: 226-345-2442
F: 519-257-5140