ABI Problem Solving Group
Brain Injury Problem Solving Group
The Acquired Brain Injury Program at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare is please to offer a problem-solving group for survivors who have sustained a brain injury.
What is this group about?
This group provides an opportunity for people living with the effets of an acquired brain injury to discuss how their injury has changed their lives. Change can sometimes seem difficult and problematic. At times, people may feel uncertain as to how to deal with these issues. They may also find they are experiencing unpleasant feelings. Through this group, participants will explore strategies to assist them in successfully managing their problems. Adult survivors are welcome.
Groups are run on an ongoing basis. Individual interviews will be held to provide further details. The group meets at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare at 1453 Prince Road every other week and sessions run 1 - 1.5 hours.
What topics will the group explore?
- Physical Changes: e.g. fatigue, headaches, dizziness and pain
- Mental Difficulties: e.g. forgetfulness, problems with concentration and planning, and speech and language difficulties
- Emotional Issues: e.g. irritability, depression and anxiety
- Behavioural Problems: e.g. poor impulse control and low frustration tolerance
- Recovery Adjustments: e.g. concerns about managing finances, returning to school, and returning to driving
- Changes in relationships with partner, friends, coworkers, children
How can I get more information or make a referral?
To make referrals please phone or fax:
Phone: (519) 257-5458
Fax: (519) 257-5179
Referrals are welcomed at all times.