Frequenlty Asked Questions
Question: What is gambling?
Answer: Any time you bet money or something of value on an event of uncertain outcome, you are gambling. This includes raffles, lotteries, bingo and sports events.
Types of Gambling:
When some people think of gambling they think primarily of casinos. In fact, gambling occurs in many forms such as:
- lotteries
- casinos
- bingos
- scratch tickets
- pull tabs (Nevada Tickets)
- Race Track betting
- Stock Market speculation
- VLTs and Slot Machines
- card games
- sports betting
- betting on games of skill (pool, golf)
- internet gambling
Question: How do I identify a gambling problem?
Answer: Gambling is a problem when:
- It adversely affects relationships with family and/or friends
- It causes physical and/or mental duress
- It affects you socially
- It affects your employment
- It affects your finances.